"I lost 53 pounds ten years ago after I had tried everything to lose weight.  When Louis Ciola told me I would start to eat sensibly, I couldn't believe it. But that's exactly what I did." Mrs. A. G.  

"I always used to be so nervous.  I was afraid to fly or go anywhere.  Now, I  enjoy life for the first time in years.  And, at work, I  can  give presentations.    You are the best!" JHC

Lose Weight


Stop Smoking

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We make it easy to quit smoking, lose weight, and feel calmer.   Hypnosis is a natural way to change behavior through the power of your own mind.  With our special technique there is no sleep.  No loss of control.  Just relax yourself right out of your bad habits.  Often times people will see results in as little as one or two sessions. Call us today and get a free stress CD just for the asking.

We are the oldest Hypnotherapy office in WNY with 35 years experience.  

Office number:  716-839-3632

Quality Treatment Guaranteed: 716-839-3632

"I quit a two pack a day habit in 1985 and have never touched another cigarette since." L.C. Thanks Amherst Hypnosis.

We are the #1 Hypnosis Practice in Western New York.  Quality hypnosis at an affordable price. Not associated with any other group. Independently owned and operated since 1989. 


Western New York's best cost effective path to wellness. Excellence in hypnosis with thirty years experience.  Life Coaching, Confidence, Public Speaking, Exams, Sports,  Stressful Past, Fear of Flying, Sleep Issues, Fear of Needles, Phobias and More.  

With our special method there is no sleep, no loss of control. Hypnosis done the right way since 1989.  E-mail:  Ciolajr@aol.com